ADOT : Work With Transportation Companies to Eliminate Violations

2023-03-23T22:55:59+00:00March 23rd, 2023|Categories: Uncategorized|

This information provided courtesy of ADOT The Arizona Department of Transportation Enforcement Compliance Division (ADOT ECD) says that there are higher than normal instances of trucks attempting to cross the border with out-of-service violations, overweight trucks without a permit, and certain repeated less severe violations that are not being addressed.  While more than 90 percent of [...]


2023-03-23T22:51:01+00:00March 23rd, 2023|Categories: Uncategorized|

The FPAA Grape Division and the Arizona Department of Agriculture Federal-State Inspection Service met on Monday, February 27. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss current issues and updates prior to the start of the grape season. The Arizona Department of Agriculture is in the process of hiring approximately 100 inspectors to be ready [...]

How to recover a Food Facility Registration that has been cancelled due to a not accurate Unique Facility Identifier (UFI)

2023-03-23T18:53:36+00:00March 23rd, 2023|Categories: Premium Content|

Starting March 10, 2023, FDA Food Facility Registrations (FFR) without an accurate Unique Facility Identifier (UFI) are being cancelled.  Firms that are impacted by FFR cancelled can have their registration reinstated once they provide the required UFI information. What does FDA verify? FDA verifies the accuracy of your facility’s UFI and verifies that the facility-specific [...]

Sonora Spring Grape Crop Estimates from AALPUM’s Grape Summit

2023-03-23T18:24:57+00:00March 23rd, 2023|Categories: Home Page Featured Story, News, Premium Content|

AALPUM, the Sonora Grape Growers Association, hosted their Spring Grape Summit on March 22, 2023 in Tubac, Arizona. Among the full afternoon of speakers, FPAA Grape Division Chairman John Pandol spoke about market trends impacting the industry, and Georgina Felix moderated a panel with officials from the Arizona Department of Agriculture, U.S. Customs and Border Protection, [...]