The Fresh Produce Industry in Santa Cruz County, Arizona: Local, State, & National Economic Contributions

2025-01-09T18:59:04+00:00May 30th, 2023|Categories: Studies, Uncategorized|

By Dari Duval, Ashley Bickel, George Frisvold Department of Agricultural & Resource Economics, University of Arizona Cooperative Extension July 2022 Fresh fruit and vegetable commodities became the highest-value category of imports through the Nogales port of entry as of 2020, surpassing motor vehicles and vehicle parts as the top category. This study examines the [...]

FPAA Signs onto Letter Urging Congress To Take a Targeted Approach to Rail Safety Legislation

2023-05-11T19:47:55+00:00May 11th, 2023|Categories: Blog, News|

The Rail Safety Act of 2023 has raised concerns over its potential to increase costs for shippers without addressing safety. The proposed federal train crew size mandate could hinder innovation and competition, especially for short lines. The Senate's broad labeling of any train carrying a single hazmat car as a hazmat train would also increase [...]

FPAA, BTA Send Letter to Texas Governor on Texas DPS Inspections

2023-05-04T17:24:34+00:00May 4th, 2023|Categories: Blog, News|

Lance Jungmeyer, FPAA president and current chairman of the Border Trade Alliance (BTA), and Britton Mullen, president of the BTA, sent a joint letter to Texas Governor Greg Abbott raising concerns about the enhanced inspections being conducted by the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) currently happening at the Brownsville, TX Veterans Bridge (Los Tomates) and [...]