The Fresh Produce Industry in Santa Cruz County, Arizona: Local, State, & National Economic Contributions

2025-01-09T18:59:04+00:00May 30th, 2023|Categories: Studies, Uncategorized|

By Dari Duval, Ashley Bickel, George Frisvold Department of Agricultural & Resource Economics, University of Arizona Cooperative Extension July 2022 Fresh fruit and vegetable commodities became the highest-value category of imports through the Nogales port of entry as of 2020, surpassing motor vehicles and vehicle parts as the top category. This study examines the [...]

University of Arizona Publishes U.S. Cucumber Supply Report

2023-08-25T17:51:57+00:00January 26th, 2022|Categories: Press Releases, Studies|

P.O. Box 848, Nogales, AZ 85628 Ph. (520) 287-2707, Fax (520) 287-2948  For Immediate Release Contact:  Lance Jungmeyer ( or Allison Moore ( University of Arizona Publishes U.S. Cucumber Supply Report The UA College of Agriculture & Life Sciences report showcases a detailed overview of cucumber supply in the U.S. NOGALES, Az. (January 26, 2022) [...]

The Fresh Produce Industry in Nogales, Arizona: Economic Impacts and Challenges

2023-08-25T18:35:24+00:00August 10th, 2021|Categories: Studies|

University of Arizona By Vera Pavlakovich-Kochi, Ph.D. and Gary D. Thompson, Ph.D. December 2013 The import of Mexican fresh produce in Nogales, Arizona's largest border port of entry, has a long tradition. For more than a century Nogales has served as the main gateway to North American markets for Sinaloa- and Sonora- grown tomatoes, squash, [...]

Bi-National Business Linkages Associated with Fresh Produce and Production Sharing: Foundations and Opportunities for Nogales and Santa Cruz County

2023-08-25T18:43:29+00:00August 10th, 2021|Categories: Studies|

University of Arizona By Vera Pavlakovich-Kochi, Ph.D. and Gary D. Thompson, Ph.D June 2013 Economic Analysis Fresh Produce and Production-Sharing (Maquiladora) Industries in Santa Cruz County, Arizona What: A study highlighting the economic impacts of the fresh produce import industry and production-sharing (aka maquiladora) in Santa Cruz County, Arizona. Study conducted by:  The University of [...]

Mexican Fresh Tomatoes: Agribusiness Value Chain Contributions to the U.S. Economy

2021-07-29T16:38:48+00:00July 29th, 2021|Categories: Studies|

Mexican Fresh Tomatoes: Agribusiness Value Chain Contributions to the U.S. Economy Dari Duval Economic Impact Analyst Ashley Kerna Bickel Economic Impact Analyst George Frisvold Professor and Extension Specialist Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics Cooperative ExtensionThe University of Arizona January 2018 View Report Now: Mexican Fresh Tomatoes: Agribusiness Value Chain Contributions to the U.S. Economy View Data [...]