Convention Registration/Packet Pick-Up:
Thursday, Nov. 2 from 10:00 AM- 4:00 PM at the Otero House at the Tubac Golf Resort and Spa
Transportation Details:
Thursday, November 2- Shuttle Service at Holiday Inn (Nogales) and Garrett’s Supermarket (Rio Rico) parking lot from 5:45PM-12:30AM (every 30 mins)
Friday, November 3- Valet parking service
Concerned about what you’ll wear? Below is the suggested dress code:
Thursday (Day): Business Casual
Thursday (Evening): Dressy Casual- part of the event will be outside and it will be chilly
Friday (Day): Business Casual
Friday (Evening): Formal/evening wear
Saturday: Golfing Attire
Schedule of Events
Thursday, Nov. 2, 2017
10:00am–4:00pm Registration – At Otero House at the Tubac Golf Resort and Spa
12 p.m. – Welcome and Networking Lunch at the Chapel
12:30 p.m. – Game Changer Session – WOW! What an exciting time to be working in fresh produce! From robotic harvesting to new consumer attributes in produce to social media revelations, Robert Lambert, Founder of AndNowUKnow, is constantly exposed to new ideas. See and hear what is making him say “Wow!” these days. And be sure to follow along on your mobile device with AndNowUKnow’s real-time survey feature.
12:45 p.m. – NAFTA Panel – While U.S., Mexican and Canadian authorities proceed with NAFTA modernization, representatives of the fresh produce industry discuss what they would like to see in the revamped trade agreement. Panelists are: Ron LeMaire, President of the Canadian Produce Marketing Association; Martin Ley, President of Fresh Evolution; Javier Badillo, Managing Member at Fresh International; Veronica Nigh, Trade Economist for American Farm Bureau Federation. Moderated by FPAA President Lance Jungmeyer.
1:45 p.m. – Networking Break
2:00 – p.m. – Game Changer Session – Past to Present to Future: How a Learning Map is helping Wilson Produce recognize its strengths and forge its future. When James Martin of Wilson Produce wanted to help explain to customers what makes his company tick, he looked inward, to what links Wilson’s past to its future. And so, began a yearlong process of mapping the company’s history and attributes, and portraying it visually through a Learning Map. The Learning Map resulted in more than a mural and animated video – it is helping unify the company around a singular vision.
2:15 p.m. – Consumer Focus – What Do Moms Think of Mexican Produce? When Moms go shopping, what do they look for in the fresh produce department? And what are their opinions about Mexican fresh fruits and vegetables? Lori Taylor, a.k.a. The Produce Mom, surveyed her online audience to find out.
2:30 p.m. – Keynote Speaker – The Power of Produce – Fresh produce continues to drive excitement in the retail environment. What are consumers thinking when they walk into their supermarket’s fresh produce department? What are they buying more of and why? Every year the Food Marketing Institute conducts consumer research, resulting in The Power of Produce Study. Get the goods from Rick Stein, Vice President of Fresh Foods at FMI.
3:15 p.m. – Conclusion
6:00p.m.-11:30p.m. – Opening Fiesta and Networking Event in the Ball Room and outside area.
Friday, Nov. 3, 2017
8 a.m. – 9 a.m. – Golf Registration (First Round) @ Tubac Golf Resort
9:30 a.m. – Shotgun Start
11 a.m. – 2 p.m. – 2nd Culinary Showcase, Top Dishes Out of Mexico’s Top Produce – Join us to sample unique and tasty culinary creations from chefs and culinary teams, all featuring the wonderful flavors of Mexican produce. Sponsored by the Fresh Produce Association of the Americas and the Mexican Consulate of Nogales, Arizona.
2:00pm – 5:00pm Helicopter Rides over the Nogales warehouse districts, the Mariposa Port of Entry and a flyover of the MMT Observatory in the Santa Rita Mountains.
6:30pm –10:30pm – Gala Event and “Pillars of the FPAA” Awards Ceremony Geronimo Ballroom – The gala event will feature a reception, elegant sit-down dinner, dancing, entertainment and the “Pillars of the FPAA” recognition award ceremony & the Salad Bar Program presentation.
Saturday, Nov. 4, 2017
8:30 a.m. – 9 a.m. – Golf Registration (Second Round) & Breakfast @ Canoa Ranch in Green Valley
9:30 a.m. – Shotgun Start
3 p.m. – 4 p.m. – Lunch & Award Presentation for Golf Tournament @ Canoa Ranch in Green Valley