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Arizona Senator Jeff Flake Announces He Won’t Seek Reelection in 2018
Arizona Senator Jeff Flake announced in remarks on the Senate Floor that he will not be seeking reelection in 2018. Senator Flake has been a strong advocate for the Nogales produce industry. The Senator and his staff have worked closely with the FPAA on many important issues for Arizona and the produce industry.
Most recently, Senator Flake hosted a follow-up meeting with Customs and Border Protection (CBP) leadership on the ongoing issues to expedite hiring of additional CBP officers. Through countless letters and meetings with CBP, he has continued to work to address the issues impacting CBP in hiring officers. He has also worked to pass legislation that strengthens CBP hiring, including the Border Jobs for Veterans Act which streamlines the hiring of separating U.S. Service Members.
Senator Flake was also one of the first to delve into the issues impacting border banking in order to help Arizona businesses impacted by new Federal regulations that have impacted banks that work with international business accounts. His office was integral in pushing the Government Accountability Office in studying this issue, and a report is scheduled to be released from the GAO on this issue in the coming weeks.
Senator Flake has also been a strong advocate for trade and for upholding the NAFTA because of its importance in driving the U.S. economy and creating U.S. jobs.
Many of these efforts have been strengthened by the fact the Senator Flake works closely with Senator McCain and others from the Arizona Delegation to solve the problems impacting Arizona. The FPAA will continue to work closely with Senator Flake as he finishes the remainder of his term on ongoing issues that impact our industry. We thank the Senator for his continued leadership on key issues.
You can read the Arizona Republic article on the Senator’s announcement at the following link.
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