** There is no change for oranges crossed from Mexico
Due to the ongoing problem with citrus greening in the production areas of Florida, coupled with the additional damage caused by Hurricane Irma a few weeks ago, USDA AMS, at the request of the Florida Citrus Administrative Committee, has issued an interim rule that relaxes the minimum size requirements for oranges produced under Marketing Order 905-Oranges, Grapefruit, Tangerines and Tangelos Grown in Florida. This rule relaxes the minimum diameter requirement from 2 8⁄16 inches to 2 4⁄16 inches in diameter for both domestic and export shipments, and goes into effect Friday, November 17. 2017. This change in marketing order requirements could make an additional 20 to 25 percent of the crop available for shipment to the fresh market.
This relaxation of the minimum size requirement for oranges produced under Marketing Order 905 has no bearing on 8e requirements for imported oranges as those requirements are based on Marketing Order 906 in Texas. This e-mail serves as notification of a Marketing Order rule change and requires no action on your part, except for the Florida Federal-State inspectors who perform the inspections under that M.O.