On Friday, October 20 FPAA hosted an Olli-UA Tour. The FPAA has been working closely with Olli-UA (Osher Learning Institute at the University of Arizona) to provide tours of local fresh produce companies to adults over the age of 50 seeking to continue a lifelong learning program. FPAA staff member, Allison Moore is an Olli-UA study group leader and each year she helps coordinate and facilitate several tours at various produces throughout Nogales.
The tour consisted of two sessions; first the group arrived at the FPAA office for a presentation by Scott Vandervoet, who spoke about the produce industry and answered any questions the group may have had. The group then continued to the Malena Produce warehouse where members were given an inside view into the storing and packaging of fresh produce. The group enjoyed the presentation, tour, and the fresh produce they received from Chamberlain Distributing, who donated three different types of squash to the members participating in the tour. FPAA received positive feedback from the group and FPAA staff is excited to continue working with Olli-UA.
Below are some photos of the Olli Tour.