The National Mango Board (NMB) is currently accepting nominees for six Board Member positions with terms beginning January 2019. The NMB is made up of mango importers, a first handler, domestic producers and foreign producers who dedicate themselves to the mission, goals and objectives of the NMB. These Board Members work closely with the NMB staff to carry out Marketing, Research and Industry Relations programs to benefit the mango industry.
The positions currently open for nominations include two Importers in District I, one domestic producer, one first handler and two foreign producers. All positions are for three-year terms. Candidates must meet certain requirements and be willing to serve the mango industry by fulfilling Board Member roles and responsibilities.
Mango industry members who are interested in serving as a member of the NMB should see below for complete details and the necessary forms. The deadline for nominations to be received at the NMB office is February 21, 2018. Questions about the nominations and appointment process can be directed to Anna Dechamps-Polonia at or by phone at 407-629-7318 x112.
Current Mango Board Members
Below, along with other Mango Board members, you may notice FPAA Member, Chris Ciruli from Ciruli Brothers Warehouse. The FPAA encourages members to become involved through various opportuntiies such as this one.