Save the Date for this year’s 2025 FPAA Spring Policy Summit!Save the Date for this year’s 2025 FPAA Spring Policy Summit!

The Countdown Has Started!
Spring Policy Summit 2025


Day 1

Wednesday, April 2 

11 am – Welcome to Spring Policy Summit

11:15-12 pm Social Responsibility Points the Way Forward: For buyers and government alike, it has become more important to monitor worker social responsibility, as well as deforestation and the environment. Speakers include the Mexico Institute at the Wilson Center, AHIFORES and the Mexican Hass Avocado Importers Association.

12:00- 1 pm LUNCHEON SESSION: Southwest Border States in Action: In Texas, Arizona and California, imports of Mexican fresh fruits and vegetables are big business. Learn about the economic impact, and political impact of this crucial US-Mexico trade.

1:15-2 pm How to Face The New Trade Environment: From tariff talk to a USMCA-renewal to Mexican constitutional reform, a lot is at stake in the US-Mexico relationship. How will the industry face these challenges? Hear from experts from FPAA, Consejo Nacional  Agropecuario, Canadian Produce Marketing Association and Farmers for Free Trade.

2-2:30 pm – The Importance of Agriculture in the U.S. – Mexico Relationship – Virginia Bullington of the Mexico Institute at the Wilson Center.  The Wilson Center studies many aspects of the U.S.-Mexico relationship and has a deep understanding of the issues and opportunities.  Virginia Bullington will talk about the importance of agriculture in Mexico and for the trade relationship between the U.S. and one of its leading suppliers of fresh fruits and vegetables.

2:30 – 2:45 pm – Networking and snack break 

2:45-3:30 USDA Panel: USDA has a lot going on. Revamping the APHIS inspection protocol in Mexico. Supporting a multi-agency seasonal produce task force. Updates to the USDA Web portal and more. Hear from top administrators at USDA/AMS, USDA/APHIS and USDA/FAS. Audience Q&A.

3:30-4:15 pm – Emerging Trends at US Customs and Border Protection: CBP’s role in commercial trade continues to expand. Among other developments, hear about the latest developments in non-intrusive scanning to stop 100% of illicit goods.

4:30  pm Adjourn 

5-7 pm Sponsored Reception

Day 2

Thursday, April 3 

8:00 – 9:30 am North American Produce Food Safety Working Group Meeting – working breakfast.

10 am -1:00 pm North American Produce Food Safety Summit – Challenges and Solutions for Your Business

10 am Welcome 

10:05-10:25 Ag Water Rule: Growers and importers alike will be impacted by FDA’s new rules for agriculture water. Learn what matters for your company, and how to work with your supply chain partners to be in compliance.

10:30- 11 COFEPRIS in Focus: How has this Mexican food safety regulatory agency evolved and what is its role in the future.

11-11:40 TABLETOP EXERCISE: Are You Ready for Traceability? FDA’s Section 204 Rule tightens the requirements for tracking shipments of fresh produce. Ensure that your company is ready by participating in this interactive tabletop exercise, where you will learn what kind of data FDA requires, how it should be transmitted and what to do if a traceability event occurs.

11:45 -12:30 Networking Luncheon and Panel Discussion: A Plethora of Audits – Which to Choose? Depending on the nature of your operation, certain kinds of audits may be more cost-effective, or more efficient in terms of time. From GlobalGAP to the Harmonized GAP to CanadaGAP and others, there are many choices. Learn which might be a fit for your company.

12:30-1 pm You’re Getting Inspected by FDA. Now what? When the Food and Drug Administration decides to conduct an inspection, you might have as little as two hours advance notice. And a visit from a state inspector might differ. Depending on the nature of the audit, what data and resources do you need to gather to have a successful outcome?

1 pm Adjourn