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We are pleased to share more details about our upcoming FPAA monthly webinar for September! Amy Philpott from Watson Green LLC will be joining us for this session – happening next week!

About the webinar:

This webinar will provide guidance on how to best prepare for a crisis. The session will focus on the following topics:

Strategic Crisis Management

  • The role of internal/external communications and how those are executed
  • Importance of preparing effective communication methods in times of crisis
  • How to prepare a response that creates positive results during a crisis
  • Short tutorial on how to talk to the media

About the speaker:

Amy helps clients in the raw agricultural and processed food industries and uses traditional and digital communication to protect their brands, reputations and business relationships in both domestic and foreign markets. She has helped companies communicate about issues such as product recalls, worker health and safety, pesticide residues, adverse financial reports, biotechnology and mergers. Before joining Watson Green in 2009 Amy oversaw marketing and communications for the United Fresh Produce Association.

Register Now

As an FPAA member you may register up to 10 employees to join our sessions at no cost. For questions or webinar requests, please email: aortega@freshfrommexico.com


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